Saturday, March 28, 2020

The 5 Prophecies - A Message for Today for the Children of God

The Lord your God says:

1. The USA is Babylon of Revelation and will be judged and destroyed unless the people repent and call upon the Lord and return to Him. This judgment has already begun with hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, fires, earthquakes, and more to come.

2. God is in the process of separating the wheat from the chaff.

3. All Believers must repent, you/we have failed God by allowing God, the Word and Jesus to be removed from our schools, government, businesses and homes and hearts. We no longer discipline our children or train them in the Way of God. As a result, the churches have failed and no longer preach/teach the Word of God; they teach false doctrine to tickle your ears. All Believers must work hard to get Jesus and the Bible back into our local schools, local homes, local families, local businesses, local courts, local colleges, local sports, local elections, local churches and your heart.

4. Abortion is a blood sacrifice to the adversary and must be stopped; every life is sacred from the moment of conception.

5. Donald Trump - regardless of how coarse he may be - was selected by God to be President at this time, to grant a reprieve from judgment for this nation, to lead this nation back to God, strength, prosperity, stability and international respect and to give the people a chance to repent and return themselves and this nation back to God.

Vote for Donald Trump in 2020 and vote for a solid slate of conservative Believers to the greatest degree you can.

The Reprieve – Although the United States is Babylon, the final judgment is not now. God has appointed Donald Trump to lead us away from catastrophe and away from judgment. To not support Donald Trump is to support the evil one.

Those who have ears to hear will hear, those who do not, will not.

The Coronavirus Prophecy

Friday, March 27, 2020

The Coronavirus Prophecy

The Coronavirus is a national and worldwide "timeout" sent to us by God.

Our work, sports, entertainment, movie theaters, bars and eat-in restaurants have all been shut down and closed.

This has happened to give us a chance to forget about our idols and to:

  1. Focus on God, your relationship to God
  2. Rebuild and reconnect with our families and create good memories with them
  3. To serve our neighbors
  4. Not to hoard, not to be scared or panic and to be good stewards of the bounty of a great nation that God has given us.

Food will be delivered on time, toiletries will be delivered on time and other products will be delivered to the stores on time.

All those things you need will be delivered to the stores on time and in the quantities needed.

You may not get what you want, but you will get what you need.

If people stop panicking, there would be plenty to go around.

God has given us the 10 Commandments.

That's a good starting point.

Two additional commandments are

  1. To love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind, and,
  2. To love your neighbor as yourself.

God is asking us to turn away from all sin and from all the idols: online sports, video games and entertainment such as Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video and HBO Now etc.

He is asking us to set aside shopping online. Stop buying things on Amazon, eBay, Wish or a million other sites.

Do this just for now, just for the time being, just for this time out, then go back to watching and buying those things online again as you feel is necessary.

Obey the rules and guidelines the government has given you for this time for these are from God.

We are all children of God. God sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus to die for us.

The blood of Jesus has washed us clean of our sins if we only accept this free gift as it was given.

God is asking us right now to accept His gift and set aside our sins and idols (and an idol is anything that interferes with or supercedes our relationship to God), and focus on following the 10 Commandments + 2 + 1 - Love all as God loves you.

And remember, you are worthy of being loved.

Cook your own food from fresh, unprocessed food or order for delivery from those restaurants in your area. Avoid fast foods and greasy foods.

Honor your soul, honor your body, honor your spirit.

You honor your body by treating it with care and respect. Keep it clean. Wear clean, fresh clothes. Groom daily.

Honor your body where possible by getting outdoors and walking or by yoga, meditation, reading, working out or exercise, or by any other means that honors the body and does not dishonor God.

God is asking us to come to Him, to fight through every obstacle in our lives - our money, our work, our careers, sports, entertainment, gambling, sex, alcohol, drugs or crime - to set all these aside - and find Him.

We are not to judge between each other. That is God's job which He has given to His Son Jesus to administer.

Our job is to love all equally, not to judge, not to call another a sinner, because we all are sinners.

We are to love all equally, treat all equally and set aside our politics, our hatreds and divisions, our religions and denominations, our beliefs and our rights and wrongs and simply honor each other equally as God does and as we honor God.

From now on, and after this moment of travail has passed, focus not on your work, your career, politics, money or wealth or stock, your home or other possessions.

Focus on God.

Focus on God and on being a good steward of those things He has given you.

Focus on doing what is right.

Open your Bible and read it, pray to God and listen, ask questions, seek to hear His voice, then do what He says. And what He says will never contradict the 10 Commandments + 2 + 1.

God wants us to do good to one another, to help one another, to love one another.

He wants us to store up treasures in heaven by honoring each other and by honoring ourselves.

Your body is God's temple and home, treat it as such. Treat others the same way.

Finally, God says if we do all these things the coronavirus will disappear and life will return to normal quickly.

If we do not do these things, judgment will come quickly.

God says; "Go, and sin no more."

Love yourself as God loves you.

You are worthy of being loved.

Love your neighbors; all men, all women, are your neighbors, regardless of their sexual identity or their sexual orientation.

Such things are God's business, not yours.

Obey the 10 Commandments + 2 + 1 (Love all equally), and honor your body.

Open your Bible, read it, pray, communicate with your family and friends, go online to do this as necessary, repent of your sins, ask Jesus into your heart and love yourself as God loves you.

Commit all your sins, worries, fears, concerns, hatreds and angers and bad memories to the Lord Jesus. Forgive all those who have done you wrong.

Jesus heals, He can and will heal you.

Be at peace, for all is well in the Lord.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Blissful Balance

Blissful Balance - Get your gift basket here! Condolence baskets, healing baskets and comforting baskets, baskets with chamomile.

Get all your baskets here.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Get Out!

By Perry Jones

Leave the USA! The time has come for all True Believers to get out of Babylon. The United States is Babylon. The judgment has been decreed and is being delayed only until the number of True Believers who choose to leave has been fulfilled. As soon as they are gone, the judgment will fall. The judgment may not fall this week, this month, this year or it may be delayed 200 years, but God is not giving us the option to delay our departure. If you are going, move now! God knows there will be some who choose to remain behind. For those who make such a choice, God will be with you to the end, but you should expect to die.

Take whatever you can, sell everything else, convert it to cash. Use this cash to establish yourself in a new place. Almost any country is good, with some common sense exceptions; southern Europe, the Mideast, North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan, Somalia, etc. If there is any country or place you wanted to visit or move to, now is the time.

Do not count on the US government to continue your Social Security, Medicare, welfare, government pensions or any entitlement program. These all may disappear.

The Rapture is due at the Last Trumpet which comes after the Tribulation. God is calling you now to receive His Protection, otherwise you will share in the judgment that has been decreed for Babylon.

There are some whom God is caling home now. These are mostly children and the elderly. God wishes to spare them the horrors of the judgment, therefore they are being called home now. Do not count on being called home, you are being called to get out.

Remember that wherever you go, Jesus will be there with you and when you arrive He will show you what to do next.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

God's Plan for Your Life

I know how hard you have been struggling. I know you have been doing everything to make ends meet. I know you have been doing everything you possibly can do to prevent financial catastrophe.

I know some of you have been desperately praying for an answer. I know some of you have been praying to God to hear you, to help you, to answer your prayers, to keep you financially solvent. Fear may be gripping you right now and may seem to be choking you.

God has heard you. he has answered your prayer and all you have to do now is accept His anwser and allow Him to guide you out of this crisis.

Yes, the world is in crisis and you may be facing a financial crisis of your own. Your financial house may be in disorder as it is with the world. Disaster threatens, the financial bottom seems to be about to fall out and you are afraid. But have no fear, God has heard you and he has prepared an escape for you.

There are four steps you need to take to secure your financial future and move beyond the worry, fear and frustration that financial pressure can cause.

Step One

The first step is to repent. You must repent of your transgressions against God. Have you been irresponsible financially? Have you bought things you do not need? Has your credit card debt increased to the point where it treatens to crush you? Do you have student loans, medical debt, car insurance, health insurance, rent or mortgage or even a second or third mortgage, bills that keep you up at night?

These are your transgressions. You must confess these to God. Tell Him that you are sorry and that you have not maneaged your finances responsibly.

Step Two

The next step is to pledge to God 10% of your income. If that is too much - and it may be for some of you - pledge 1%, pledge $5.00 a day, pledge $1.00 a day or whatever amount you are comfortable with. Set aside a container for God's money and add to it at regular intervals, no less than weekly, but daily if you prefer. Add to it at a period that makes sense for you. You will commit this amount to God and you will further pledge 10% of all your increase in your finances to God from this day forward.

Step Three

Step Three is to buy your Christian Financial Consultation. This consulatation is your roadmap for your finances. It reveals where you are now and maps out a path to where God wants you to be - financially independent.

Step Four

Step Four is God's Plan for Your Life. God has a plan for your life. God has been preparing you all your life for the plan He has for you. He has been preparing you to be able to step out boldly in life, fulfilling your purpose, doing your mission, working your perfect work and answering your true calling. All these things are there, just waiting for you to claim them do them and live them.

Some of you may be fractured. God is ready to help you pick up the shattered pieces of your life. God is standing ready to help you hammer all those disparate pieces into a life you can be proud of.

Defeat Into Victory

God wants you to realize that the tragedies and defeats in your life are there for a reason. They occurred to make you stronger, to strengthen your character, to add skills and knowledge and make you wiser. You will no longer perceive them as stumbling blocks or anchors that weigh you down, but rather as building blocks to the life that God has waiting for you.

God is waiting for you to take action now and He will give you victory wherever you go.

Begin Now

Begin now with Step One. Repent of your sins. Tell God how sorry you are for the mess you have made of your life and the mess you have made of your finances.

Proceed to Step Two. Pledge 10% or more, or any amount you can to God. Make this a weekly or biweekly or daily commitment - whatever you can do and whatever works for you. Once a week or once a month - give the amount you have saved to your local church - and do it anonymously.

After you have made your pledge to God, go to Step Three and purchase your Christian Financial Consultation. One of our dedicated, skilled and trained Christian Financial Counselors will work with you, following God's financial laws, to help you put together a financial roadmap that will get your financial house in order, get you out from under crushing debt and begin putting extra income into your pocket.

Today is The First Day of Your New Beginning

As you begin down this path, you will receive help along the way. You are not in this alone. Volunteers stand ready to help you with any problem, concern or issue you may have. God Himself stands ready to lend you a helping hand. I have been called to make this message known and help lead us all into God's Kingdom. Therefore I pledge my help to you. You may contact me at my email: I will do my best to help you in any way I can. If you have resources available, please volunteer these to help others.

Go ahead and complete the three steps now. As you complete step three we will lead you into Step Four - God's Plan for Your Life. Here we will help you discover God's purpose for you. We will help you identify the secret message God has written in your heart for you to embrace. We show you how to unearth the mystery of your mission here on Earth and prepare a plan for you to begin that mission.

Your Purpose

God has a purpose for everyone. Fulfilling your purpose is why you are here. It is what you were born to do. Before you can begin fulfilling your role for God, you need to get clear about where you are and begin the process of getting your financial house in order. Research our online posting regarding God's plan, Christian finances and spirituality. Locate Essential Spirituality and begin your walk with God today. With your help, we can begin the process of reversing ythis road of destrruction that is happening in the world. Things may get worse before they get better, but with you leading the way, fulfilling your role, we will get there.

Malachi 3:10

In Malachi 3:10, God says to prove His existence, put Him to the test. Pledge the first ten percent of your income to God and he promises to open the windows of heaven on you so that your wealth will overflow. I believe in God. Do you? Begin with Step One, proceed to Step Two and move into Step Three.

Begin Here

Step 1 - Repent - Tell God how sorry you are for the mess you have made of your life and finances. If things aren't all that bad, confess your daily sins of failing to walk completely in His Light.

Step 2 - Pledge 10% (or any amount you can)